Terms of use

The property details and images on this website are supplied by third party agents and Riba Connect SL T/A Marbella Connect has not independently verified the details.

Riba Connect SL (T/A Marbella Connect) has no control over the details or images and makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of the details of the properties listed in this website.

Riba Connect SL (T/A Marbella Connect) does not accept any liability for any inaccuracies regarding any of properties listed on the website.

Riba Connect SL (T/A Marbella Connect) are not lawyers or legal professional and cannot and does not act in any legal capacity nor legal advice. Any advice provided is given on a goodwill basis without warranty as to its legal accuracy.

We advise anyone wishing to take any actions or make any decisions based on the content of any of the properties or any advice given by Riba Connect SL (T/A Marbella Connect) to take steps to make their own independent research, in order to verify the accuracy of the details as well as taking legal advice from a qualified legal professionals.