The Importance of the NIE Number

NIE – Numero de Identificacion Extranjero

NIE Marbella

NIE stands for Numero de Identificacion Extranjero, or in English Foreigner Identification number.

It is a unique number that is required if you have an economic or fiscal interaction with the Spanish authorities.

For example when you open a bank account or when you buy a  property you will need an NIE number.

Having an NIE number does not mean that you are resident of Spain nor does it give you the right to residence, merely that you have some sort of economic or fiscal activity in Spain.

That said, if you were to become a resident of Spain, you would also have an NIE number but you would first need to go through a separate process to apply for residence.

Obtaining an NIE is quite a simple process that can be done at the police station; however, the main problem is that you have to make an appointment and this can often take a long time to get.

Importantly, you will either need to apply for it personally or you will need to provide a power of attorney, for example to a lawyer, who can apply for it on your behalf.

For this reason that I advise clients who are intending to purchase a property to apply for the NIE as soon as possible, as, if you find the property that you are looking for, you do not want the process to be delayed whilst you are waiting for an NIE number.

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Note: The above does not constitute legal advice and I would advice anyone considering applying for an NIE to take advice from a legal professional as to the latest rules and regulations.



    Ricky Bache
    Estate Agent
    B.Sc Economics
    (HEC Lausanne )
    Asesor Credito Hipotecario
    (UPV Valencia)
    Tel : +34 609 50 22 44


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